13 Sep Preparar examen Cambridge (English)
FCE / CAE session-links and resources
Information sessions were held at the CARLEE to let our students know about Cambridge English tests for both B2 (FCE) and C1 (CAE) levels.
You may find related links and resources below:
FCE (B2):
- General information:
- Computer-Based tests:
CAE (C1):
- Handbook for teachers
- sample tests
- Computer-Based (tutorial, sample tests)
Exam centres- Aragón:
- Fundación Empresa Universidad de Zaragoza- Zaragoza: http://www.examenescambridgezaragoza.com/
- B-est Examinations Centre- Zaragoza http://www.bestexamszaragoza.com/
- International House- Zaragoza http://www.ihes.com/zar/
- Modlang- Zaragoza: http://www.modlang.es
- VLEC (Virginia Lyons)- Huesca: https://vlec.es/
If you’re training for Cambridge tests, you can do these activities for learners. You can filter them by level, skill to be practised…
- Write & Improve gives you feedback in seconds. Simply choose a task, write or upload your text and submit your writing for feedback. Then try again and use the feedback to improve.
- You can also watch this workshop on writing (B2) taken from the Cambridge English TV Youtube channel:
LISTENING: Improve your English listening skills with the audio series Virtually Anywhere. The series tells a story about university students Geeta and Paul. They are struggling with their coursework, when a mysterious professor offers to help. Each of the seven episodes comes with B1-B2 level activities to help learners practise the language used in each episode.
SPEAKING: Watch these two sample speaking tests, to know what the speaking part is going to be like (so you know what to expect)- all speaking test videos here
- FCE:
- CAE:
You can follow Cambridge English Spain on Twitter at @CambridgeEng, or on Facebook, for updates and further information.