01 Mar Actividades para Pancake Day (English)
Pancake Day Celebrations
What is Pancake Day? How and why is it celebrated?
If you haven’t already planned your classes for this week, leave a space on Tuesday (Feb. 28th) to teach your pupils a little something about Pancake Day. It’s a special day that is celebrated in English speaking countries like the UK, Ireland, Australia and Canada. Pancake Day is always celebrated on a Tuesday in February or March, the day before Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent. Traditionally people didn’t eat rich foods like butter and eggs during Lent, so they made pancakes in order to use up these ingredients. Other traditions nowadays include pancake tossing competitions, pancake races and pancake recipe competitions.
Ideas for class
Why not teach your pupils how to make pancakes? In literacy classes you could use a to teach giving instructions. Or perhaps in Science you could ask your class to create new recipes for healthy pancake fillings. Younger children will love learning the song ‘Mix a Pancake’ and listening to the story, ‘ The Run Away Pancake’ and children of all ages (and adults too) will love trying to flip or toss the pancake. How many times can you do it without dropping it?
For more ideas, take a look at the following links:
Recipe ordering activity, song words, maths activities (infants)
All about Pancake Day slide show
The Runaway Pancake story (based on the story of The Gingerbread Man)
See children in a bilingual infant class retelling the story of The Gingerbread Man